moist nuts….


Whilst wishing to avoid the inevitable and predictable prurience I have no option but to fling myself headlong into the mire of double entendre by mentioning that my first encounter with moist nuts was on our honeymoon some forty one Septembers ago. The happy event was spent in a beautiful old stone house deep in the French countryside, a different one to that in which we now live, but it was there that among the seeds that were sown, which grew and flourished, was the one that carried my dream of one day moving to France to live in a beautiful old stone house of our own. And there were walnuts: big ones, small ones, none as big as your head. Fresh walnuts, noix fraiches, are gathered from mid September to the middle of October. They feel rare and precious to me; soft and oily with a silky skin that must be peeled revealing the smoothest ivory flesh. Two individual, not identical, fruit are joined inseparably in a protective shell that fits them, and them alone. Only the fracture of that shell allows them to be separated. There never was such a honeymoon fruit.


About Food,Photography & France

Photographer and film maker living in France. After a long career in London, my wife and I have settled in the Vendee, where we run residential digital photography courses with a strong gastronomic flavour.
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41 Responses to moist nuts….

  1. MELewis says:

    My onions, your nuts….it is indeed a romantic week here on WordPress! I do love the way walnuts pair off in beautiful twinsies – they are the perfect example of the nutmeat.

  2. Tres evocatif, j’adore les photos!!! Et les noix fraiches! j’ai aussi pas mal de souvenirs attaches a elles. En Albanie on les a cuellit enfants et plus tard avec mon futur mari (anglais) aussi. J’adore peler la peau fine qui enleve un petit gout amer, a croquer!

  3. Mad Dog says:

    The farmer at the farmers’ market has fresh walnuts …if the squirrels don’t get them. I will have to remind him about them on Sunday, though they mighy be a bit later here than in France.

  4. Sally says:

    Poetry and prurience. Love it Roger!

  5. Ah, how romantic! We were picking our little almond crop yesterday…there was no romance involved in that endeavour 😉

  6. ghetran says:

    Very romantic indeed! 😉 Enjoy the fall!

  7. Conor Bofin says:

    Brings me back to October marketing in the south of France. Walnuts, figs, goat’s cheese and forest honey, all on toast. Delicious.

  8. My first reaction was “Never one to avoid a double entendre!” 🙂 Then I read your first paragraph.

    This looks wonderful with an aperitif for still warm early fall evenings.

  9. I’m so glad you did an article on walnuts. It is so good. Thomas Keller uses walnuts in salads. Walnut oil is great with raspberry vinegar!

  10. margaret21 says:

    I was so delighted when I found we had two walnut trees in the garden back here in England. They weren’t showing signs of being heavy croppers, but still…… The day came when I thought it time to forage. Not one had been left intact. Pesky squirrels. Grrr.

  11. So interesting this is!Wonderful idea and story.

  12. ardysez says:

    You don’t need another comment to answer, so don’t feel obliged. I love nuts, all of them, but rarest are the really fresh walnuts. When we were in the USA a couple of weeks ago, the black walnuts were starting to drop from the trees. You cannot eat them until they are dried out, however, your mouth will turn to blisters from the acidity. Once they are hulled they have to dry, and then again after they are shelled. Very laborious, but a taste that is unique. My dear Mum used to sit in the long winter evenings and pry them from their shells so that she could make cakes with them. Thanks for bring that memory back for me.

    • I’ve never heard of fresh black walnuts…nice story. The only black walnuts in England used to be the pickled ones in huge jars, next to pickled eggs and cucumbers, in old English pubs..I did my best to avoid all of those…serious vinegar acidity:)

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