Bring back the birch…..

Mr Hockney’s recent paintings have had me wandering the forests like a very aged Hansel searching in vain for the Gingerbread House but without his clear vision of a quarry. I think I’m looking too hard. In film making it not unusual to reach Take 25 on a difficult shot, yet Take 1 is so often the shot chosen in the editing suite. I’ve been far beyond Take 25 in my recent woodland forays and the Take 1 syndrome is coming in to play yet again. The Yorkshire tree paintings are in my mind yet I need to find my Vendeen tree photographs. I believe in eclecticism in that I make it my business to look at other people’s work at every possible opportunity and to learn from it. Their work will never be mine, and why would I want it to be unless I was a counterfeiter, but pieces of their vision can  become part of my vocabulary that I may choose to use in a different sentence or even in a different language. Early on in yesterday’s misty morning I found this stand of silver birch trees filled with mistletoe. 

About Food,Photography & France

Photographer and film maker living in France. After a long career in London, my wife and I have settled in the Vendee, where we run residential digital photography courses with a strong gastronomic flavour.
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41 Responses to Bring back the birch…..

  1. Those photos look like paintings. I feel trivial. Thanks Roger.

  2. ChgoJohn says:

    I’m really drawn to the photo of the birch trees. Silver birch are common in “our” part of Michigan. Mistletoe, however, is not and I’ve never seen it au naturel. What an odd effect it lends to the trees!

  3. Birch aren’t common here. What beautiful trees.

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  5. ceciliag says:

    That silvery bark draws me too. I would love to grow a stand just like that. Verticals are so appealing in an image. Those little tufts lend the quirkiness creating a shot with a story. Don’t you just love going out with your camera and Looking for the shot? that is my favourite, Seeing with a cameras eye as you walk about. mm good morning.. c

  6. The bright purple hue of those leaves are really eye-catching. No wonder you want the birch back!

  7. a great photo, no matter what number order it was taken in. And yes I think you should go into the Mistletoe business, I’ve never seen so much before I came to France this winter.

  8. Sigh – beautiy all around you. Loved seeing the mistetoe in the trees – here we get it in olive trees so you could combine your mistletoe/olive business in one!

  9. Being relativly new new to photography, finding lessons and inspiration in others’ work is a joy for me. “How’d he do that, and how do I do something similar?” runs through my head nearly as often as “How do I get this kid to sit still?” 😉
    Love the country lane photo – it makes me want to explore…

  10. The mistletoe shot is wonderful, as you put it so well, pieces of Hockney’s vocabulary that you’ve used in a different language. I often find that my first shot and my last shot are the best ones….maybe that justifies the 22 in between! Thanks for the link to the Royal Academy – beautiful pictures which must look amazing full-scale on the walls there.

  11. Mad Dog says:

    Great pictures – I think you’ve found the French twin path to Hockney’s in Yorkshire. That first image reminds me of tricolour filters on waves.

  12. A large part of the Hockney exhibition was about how he saw nature, and how he picked fairly ordinary things to paint, and then made an extraordinary painting. Since seeing the exhibition, I have been wondering how ho did this — make the ordinary extraordinary. Roger, your two shots here are doing that. I see nothing unusual in the subject matters, I do see unusual photos of them. Well done.

  13. I agree with Rosemary, they definitely do look like paintings. Simply stunning.

  14. Michelle says:

    Oh, my, how I want to be in France. 6 months minus 1 day and I will be. Love the photographs.

  15. a. m. forret says:

    Both are quite stunning. The birch remind me of CO, a snap to the air. ~

  16. alex says:

    I love that second photo, good enough to put on the wall and stare at.

  17. Lovely landscape painted photography at its finest! The second one captured my heart since I love the folk song “Land of the Silver Birch”..

  18. That is striking, Roger! Living on the edge of a forest myself, this post raises all sorts of questions and challenges. I shall look at it with new eyes tomorrow, I think. Thanks..

  19. ....RaeDi says:

    I love seeing through the other’s person eye… seeing how they apply it in their works, studying art, photography, words, if you look close and listen you can pick up a few things… you may do it different but you have learned!

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